Operation guide
DRB welcomes suggestions, reports, or comments from all including
employees, subsidiaries, partners and customers.
DRB is operating the system in accordance with Cyber Audit Department Operation Regulations, so we will do the best to ensure the contents of the report are strictly confidential and the informant does not receive any disadvantages due to the reports.


  • Tip-off receipt Once the reported information is processed, a confirmation letter of receipt will be sent.
  • Investigation We will investigate and gather facts in accordance with the informant protection regulation. The length of the investigation period may vary depending on the matter of the case.
  • Closing Once the investigation is complete, disciplinary actions and/or improvement measures will be decided. After the internal deliberation, the measures will be finalized and enacted.
  • Processing
    We will provide a final report to the informant once the case is closed.


  • Receipt of money, goods, and/or entertainment
  • Misuse of position and/or authority
  • Improper solicitation and/or unfair requests (theft, embezzlement and misuse of public funds)
  • Act that causes DRB to suffer economic losses
  • Violation of law and regulations on fair trade
  • Unethical act (manipulation of documents and/or making of false reports)
  • Breach of internal accounting rules
  • Other acts, including violations of ethical code


  • 1DRB Cyber Audit Department is open to everyone, including employees and outsiders, and receives reports on unethical acts as listed above.
  • 2Reports can be made anonymously or under your real name. However, we may not investigate anonymous reports without specific evidence.
  • 3We guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of the informant and the contents of the report and prohibit any retaliatory acts against the informant.
  • 4Reports also can be sent to DRB through various channels such as mail, telephone, fax, and e-mail.
    - TEL : 051-520-9270
    - E-MAIL : cyber@drbworld.com
    - FAX : 0502-289-9601

Notes on submitting a report

  • To ensure the credibility of the report, identities of informants may be required.
  • The informants must disclose their identities, the subject, the contents and purpose of the report and submit specific evidence to the claims.
  • Reports can be made anonymously, However, we may not investigate without specific evidence.
  • In any of the following cases, the investigation may not be conducted or may be terminated.
    • Tip-off report does not pertain to a reportable act.
    • Tip-off information is clearly false.
    • Repeated report of same act, regarding which the processing results were notified to the informant, without a valid reason.
    • Failure to provide requested information after 2nd request is made.
    • Report of slanderous or false information that is deemed to be intended to malign or disadvantage a particular individual.
    • Reports related to disputes between individuals or matters related to personal privacy.
    • Matters regarding which an investigation or court proceeding is already underway or terminated.

Provision on

  • The identities of informants shall not be disclosed without their consent and will be thoroughly protected.
  • The informants shall be protected from any disadvantages or discrimination by their business relationship or affiliated department due to reporting.
  • If the informant is to be found at fault in relation to the report, the disciplinary action may be reduced or exempted in extenuating circumstances.