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Q&A - If the FAQ does not have the answer you want, please ask questions directly.Before asking questions, please check the FAQ one more time. Q&A - If the FAQ does not have the answer you want, please ask questions directly.Before asking questions, please check the FAQ one more time.


If the FAQ does not have the answer you want, please ask questions directly.
Before asking questions, please check the FAQ one more time.

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Information on consent to the collection and use of personal information for Q&A

¡á Consent to the collection and use of personal information
Please be informed that the following personal information items are collected and used in relation to Q&A.
You have the right to refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal information, but if you do not consent, you may be limited in service use.

¡á Collected items
Name, affiliation(company name), contact information, etc.
¡á Purpose of collection
- Handling various inquiries and providing results
¡á Retention period
If you do not want us to retain your personal information anymore, you may requested that your personal information be deleted at any time, and the following information will be retained for the specified period of time for the following reasons:

o Reasons for retaining information according to the internal policy of the company
- Reasons for retention: Supporting evidence for handling various inquiries, and materials for generating FAQs for duplicated inquiries.
- Retention period: 1 year