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DRB Human Rights Management Policies

DRB Human Rights Management Policies

DRB will respect and protect the human rights of all stakeholders related to the overall management activities. DRB will adhere to the principles set by Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international initiatives such as the UN Global Compact to fulfill the corporate responsibilities regarding human rights.

DRB will strive to contribute to the advancement of the society by becoming a positive influence which respects and protects human rights and make effort to ensure happiness of all employees¡¯ and stakeholders.

1. Anti-Discrimination

  • We will respect the diversity and prohibit any discrimination of employees based on race, religion, disability, gender, education, age, physical condition, nationality, region, and political views.
  • We will make efforts to improve upon gender discriminatory policies and practices regarding employment and promotion, achieve the work-family balance, and provide maternity protection*.

2. Forced Labor/Child Labor

  • We prohibit forced labor and child labor, and we comply with labor principles including safety, health, and work hours recommended by International Labour Organization and ratified by our country.

3. Freedom of association

  • We guarantee freedom of association and collective bargaining, and aim for common prosperity based on trust in labor-management relations.

4. Safety and Health

  • We assure the rights of all employees regarding safety and protect all workers on site by providing clean work environments.